Phase 1:
Site selection and identification of the viable location for drilling .
This includes conducting a thorough hydrology geo report and submitting it to the county
government to allow the issuance of a well permit.
After the documents and land negotiation has been done with the local land owner then a
county surveyor is engaged and brought to the site for the allocation and apportionment of the
land to be designated for the project.
Phase 2 :
Identifying and Selection of a local partner [ driller ] for the job and scheduling the drilling start
date. Equipment is mobilized to the site including drilling rigs and the crew. A camp is set at
the site with the team for the event to start.
Local villagers, children, and local chiefs are also involved at this point.
Phase 3 :
Drilling starts and community education is started. Regarding sanitation, proper use of water
resources and how to utilize less water for irrigating a few crops for self-sustainability.At times
we offer seedlings of specific types to help combat hunger and starvation .i.e spaghetti squash
Phase 4:
Well development and infrastructure.
Solar panels and installation of a22 feet tall gravity tanks towers with two 10,000-liter tanks